Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The DMV and you. Or, More Crap to Pay for

Today, after remembering my near-200-dollar bill for renewing my license plates, I freaked out. And rightly so. All I could do was pay for 30-day car tags to keep my 2 gas-guzzling buddies on the road, then hope I would be able to come up with more money within 30 days. Oh, don't worry. I won't forget that date. I get reminded everytime I walk up to my car.

My husband hates to look at the looming deadline so much that he refuses to put the paper plate in the car window where it goes.

So sure I'm broke which leads me to think about how much I need is a baby shower or diaper party. My mom *was* going to have one for me. She lost her job. She said that we didn’t need to rent the hall that we were going to get. Probably those two things are connected. Or else she doesn’t believe in showers for second babies. Which is why it was going to be a diaper party! Hello! And we are dirt poor and already got rid of baby stuff! Hello!

She said we could still hold one at my house. But the toilet and faucet in the bathroom, oh, and the bathroom light, all only work sometimes. I can’t have people over when it’s like this.

With no party, I’m short many things for the baby. Even buying these second hand seems so far off when my post-DMV bank balance brought me to a stunning $40 available for gas, bills, and other essentials for the next 12 days.

I’m starting to think I should come out of the poverty closet on facebook. Then everyone would know and maybe someone would help. But then I would be embarrassed and look needy.

My family all think I must earn about 30-50K since I am a “professor” now. Try adjunct. Cripes.

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