Saturday, October 1, 2011

Baby Grows Up. My Students Do Not.

On the heels of a plagiarized essay about plagiarism, I find myself looking for distraction as I grade more papers. I look to amazon, etsy, facebook,,,, but never (too much navel gazing).

I look all around the interwebs, and nothing is more interesting that my own baby, who I appreciate even more today because he took two good naps! Amaaaazzziiing! And because I went to visit my aunt in the cemetery today. I brought her some beautiful yellow mums to brighten up her gravesite. There is no stone there yet. It's as if no one wants it to be true.

Anyway, I tried to look for another aunt that I lost before I was born. She was only a baby herself. Instead of finding her, I found this sad sad sad baby row at the cemetery. The stones had birth and death dates in the same year. There were lambs and angels on them. So sad.

These are the times when I try to focus on what is really important. These are the times when I am most productive in my grading, because in the big scheme of things, these freaking grades don't matter at all.

By the way, I am back.

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